Biodiversity Conservation Forum
November 2024
The Biodiversity Conservation Forum brings together community and government representatives to work together on current and emerging issues relating to the conservation of biodiversity, environmental planning and policy in the ACT.
The forum considers many topics related to biodiversity conservation, including climate adaptation, landscape and ecosystem management, threatened species management, urban biodiversity and invasive species.
The Forum is co-chaired by the Conservation Council ACT Region, Landcare ACT and the Conservator of Flora and Fauna. Membership includes representative from Friends of Grasslands, Canberra Ornithologists Group, National Parks Association of the ACT, Ginninderra Catchment Group, Southern ACT Catchment Group, Molonglo Conservation Group, Australian Native Plants Society, ACT for Bees, Invasive Species Council, ACT Bushfire Council, ACT Scientific Committee, and the Woodlands and Wetlands Trust. Secretariat services are currently provided by Landcare ACT. For enquiries please email
The most recent meeting was held Thursday 21st November
This e-Bulletin is intended to provide a summary of the discussions of the Forum for public distribution.
Documents and links
Habitat Restoration Project - update
Recent BCF Survey Findings
Nature Conservation Strategy - update
Legislative Assembly - Administrative Arrangements
Community Stewardship and Environmental Education Program - Presentation
ACT Election Outcomes
The BCF was briefed on the outcomes of the recent ACT election. The list of MLAs and the Ministers is
available on the Legislative Assembly website at
Specific Ministerial responsibilities are described in the Administrative Arrangements available at Notably:
● Minister Cheyne has responsibility for Parks and Conservation Service, Native animal welfare and pest
weed and animal management. Parts of Nature Conservation Act;
● Minister Orr has responsibility for Climate Change, Environment, Energy and Water. Includes
Agriculture, pest weed and animal policy. Parts of Nature Conservation Act; and
● Minister Steel has responsibility for Heritage, Planning and Sustainable Development.
Strengthening the Biodiversity Conservation Forum
The findings from the recent survey of BCF members was shared with the group, and are available here.
The feedback shows we are generally getting it right, with members noting that much of the success of the
forum can be attributed to co-chair Burkevics’ openness and trust, and his willingness to listen.
Four actions were proposed based on the feedback, which were supported for implementation. They are:
● Circulate Agenda earlier / with more notice
● Invite community representatives to suggest Agenda items more often
● Invite additional stakeholders where topics are of interest
● Circulate public-facing notes within 2 weeks of the meeting
A discussion was held about the interest of the Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development
Directorate (EPSDD) in further strengthening the BCF to be a formal consultative body. This would provide a
formal mechanism for the government/EPSDD to consult with the community about biodiversity and
conservation measures, rather than just through the Yoursay mechanism. There were many questions
about how this will work, however the BCF endorsed EPSDD to progress a proposal for further and more
detailed consideration..
Avian Influenza H5N1
The ACT Chief Veterinary Officer Dr Kyeelee Driver gave a presentation on the H5N1 strain and the
preparatory work being done within government at present.
● This strain has been circulating since 2020-21. Australia is the only continent clear of the H5N1 strain
● The most common vector of disease spread is migratory wild birds, but it is also spread by aquatic
● This disease is a major threat to Australian wildlife from this virus, in particular to our threatened
● It can spread to mammals, including humans and domestic livestock.
● There is no way for Australia to prevent these incursions.
● In the ACT, EPSDD would be the first to lead a biosecurity response. The Office of Nature Conservation
is leading the preparedness response planning in the ACT.
● Report any unusual bird deaths immediately and call the Emergency Animal Disease Hotline on 1800
675 888.
The BCF noted noted that Canberra Birds have been holding webinars, discussions and briefings amongst
Biodiversity Conservation Forum Nov 2024
their networks.
Dr Driver kindly offered to provide further briefings to the forum about other biosecurity threats such as red
imported fire ants (RIFA), and the role of community in these responses.
Catchment Group Community Environmental Stewardship Program
A presentation on the program was delivered by the Catchment Groups in partnership with ACT NRM. This 4
year program is entering the final year of $1.68mill funding.
The presentation covered successes, challenges, opportunities and future plans.
Key successes include:
● Community stewardship increased from 60+ groups to 90+ groups, including ParkCare, Urban Parks,
and rural groups
● Broadened partnerships
● Cross-tenure activities supported at a landscape scale, eg Urambi Hills - neighbouring farm working
Nature Conservation Strategy
The Office of Nature Conservation within EPSDD provided an update of progress, and the presentation is
available here.
Feedback provided by the BCF at the last meeting has been taken on board, and the timelines have been
adjusted to allow more consultation time. Partner Consultation and workshops are planned over the next 3
months, and the revised timeline plans to take the final Strategy to cabinet in June 2025.
Bluett’s Block
The BCF noted that as per the previous ACT Government announcement, the Territory Planning Authority
was continuing to work through the statutory processes for a minor plan variation over Block 403 and Block
12 in order to include those areas in the Molonglo River Nature Reserve.
EPSDD is also having ongoing discussions with Friends of Bluetts Block, and encourages interested parties to
liaise with FoBB for more information. An action was taken to include an update on Bluett’s Block as a
standing item.
Gula spotted in Jacka
Co-Chair Burkevics provided an update about the recent spotting of a koala in the new suburb of Jacka.
This is being approached in a coordinated whole-of-government matter involving various statutory bodies
including the Conservator, Territory Planning Authority and the Suburban Land Agency.
The Conservator is progressing environmental due diligence and survey activities in order to provide advice
to the Territory Planning Authority. The BCF noted that no development work would be considered until after
discussions had been concluded, including with the Australian Government.
Standing Item - Working Group Updates
Due to time constraints, these were tabled out of session. Updates are provided in the meeting notes.
The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday 20th February, 2025.
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